Friday, September 3, 2010

National Health Effort

There are many Americans in today's nation that honestly lack basic knowledge of nutrition and the desire to be active on a daily basis. Not only have I noticed but more important,the government has as well,which is great. Out of this a nation effort called Healthier US was born. This organization takes the best of having fun and being healthy,then brings it together and makes it happen. This is truly the key to consistently encouraging a healthy lifestyle for any family. By that I mean,when people do something that's proactive and fun it makes it so much easier to do. So the main goal is to not only start health programs in communities,but to also teach people to run them. With this involvement from the government,people take something as simple as starting a soccer club at your local school and blow it up in all the right ways. Though being healthy is not just the only thing they do,knowledge is the driving force. Many people can be healthy in many different ways,but they tend to reverse it with unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking. Healthier US encourages knowledge of healthy habits by adding programs that reveal statistics of from 10 years ago to today. One fact that many can relate to is childhood obesity or being diagnosed with diabetes,which has risen in adults 30 to 39 by 70%. With drastic numbers like these,I'm glad the government isn't ignoring it. More importantly, they are taking a stand to improve the quality of life as a whole by starting and maintaing programs like these.

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