Sunday, September 26, 2010

Proposition 19

Proposition 19 is the first ever attempt at the recreational use and legalization of marijuana, which would clearly affect everyone in the U.S. The main question is are you "for" or "against" this beautiful stepping stone to a greater tomorrow? One writer seems to think that it's a pathetic and feeble attempt for a lost cause that has no value.,0,4509321.story 
He states, "Proponents of the proposition say it would bring public policy on marijuana into line with that on alcohol and cigarettes, both of which can be dangerous and deadly but are nonetheless legal." So this is basically stating that, even though alcohol and cigarettes are "dangerous and deadly", it's alright because both are "legal"!  How about some hard facts, like how many people die from other "legal" items. This website will give you an idea, It's funny seeing that marijuana is at the bottom of the death list and the top of the resource value list, yet he's only worried about the legal issues. What about the money that could be made? Let's ask Nobel prize winner in economic trend Laureate George Akerlof and his 500 buddies what value marijuana could have on the economy. In addition to the marijuana being safe, having economic value, there is also the medicinal use. To be honest, I don't want to even touch base on that issue. Seeing how I work in the medical field with experience in the ER, oncology and serving as a line medic in the Army, I could talk for hours on the value in the medical area. So instead I'll direct you toward a knowledgeable website, www.drugscience.orgAnother statement he made was, "But Proposition 19 is so poorly thought out, badly crafted and replete with loopholes and contradictions that it offers an unstable platform on which to base such a weighty conversation." First off, it's not poorly written, the criminalization of Americans is so strong, and the ignorance is so "high", that Proposition 19 is the only simply stated effort to get the Federal Government involved. They aren't looking to have the details written out off the bat, they just want to "get the ball rolling" in order to be seen by the U.S. Further more, he only complains about how jobs will be on the line because people can come to work high, what a way to win an argument. This guy put so much personal and emotional effort into his negative justification for Proposition 19, that he forgot all the hard evidence. It's people like this that throw out ignorant accusations that aren't backed by any documentation that keep the people scared, ignorant, and one minded in their decisions. In due time the government will have to take a second look at legalization, if not then there might be states like California going against the flow so heavily, that they are willing to put their laws of freedom on the line. My only hope is that we continue to stand together and unite as a whole to be a visible beacon for such a valuable resource, instead of stating "both of which can be dangerous and deadly but are nonetheless legal."  

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