Friday, September 3, 2010

Smart People

Every once in a while you run across that guy or that gal that you know is going to go somewhere in life based off the simple fact that when they open their mouth,you can hardly understand what they say. Not because they are challenged with their lip movements,but because your challenged with having an ignorant mind. If your tired of that,then keep reading my friend. is a great site for anything having to do with anything and how it all works. I'm actually a huge fan of this because of my involvement with the medical field and passion for nutrition. Say you want to know how many types of nutrients are in half of a watermelon and how it benefits the body in every physiological way. Well with this site,you can talk about watermelons in a whole new language,and all while still speaking english,amazing,I know! Or let's say your an aspiring nutritionist(sounds familiar) and you want a detailed study on why grass feed beef is better for you than regular beef(again,familiar). All this knowledge of those misunderstood english speakers is literally at your finger tips. Though like most things in life,you have to go get it yourself and make it happen in whatever way you need it. Who knows,maybe someday you might be on there,or maybe myself. All I know is that the future is in our hands and the only way to ensure it's safety in health is by giving back,just like the men and women that gave back with these amazing sites.

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